Sophia and Logan’s Quilts of Memories

Sophia Dixon and her husband Logan contacted me with the following request:  “My husband and I are having a hard time parting with clothes; I would like you to make quilts for us using our hand-me downs. No set date.  The only goal is to use as much fabric as possible so we waste as little as possible.”  Thus, the project of Sophia and Logan’s two quilts of memories began.  

Items used 

I received several boxes of clothes which included a large variety of colors and textures.  With Sophia’s approval, I created one design to use the t-shirts, arranged in rows.  The second quilt consisted of a large block design, using small pieces of all remaining clothes.  

Final Quilt 

The first quilt, framed with gray fabric, consisted of large patchwork blocks, using various sizes of the t-shirts. The second quilt, also large blocks in rows, and used beige fabric to frame the blocks. These blocks were pieced, using a lovely quilt block design.  Both quilts were queen-size, and I used fabrics from all items Sophia had sent.  Once Sophia and Logan’s quilts of memories were completed, I was left with only a few small pieces of the original clothes. 

Sophia and Logan's t-shirt quilt
Sophia and Logan's pieced quilt
Sophia and Logan's t-shirt quilt
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