Michelle’s Memory Quilt

Memory quilts provide a tangible and comforting physical object,  bringing us special memories of our loved one.  Each time I make a memory quilt, I  treat all the clothes with respect and honor.  Although in most cases, I have never met the person, I learn a little about them from the customer.  It makes the quilt more personal for me as I work on the quilt.  Michelle’s Memory Quilt proved to be very special.  



When Michelle contacted me, our country and the world were amid the COVID 19 pandemic, with the strict guidelines in place.  Michelle’s words were very poignant, and I share parts of her information here: “My name is Michelle, and I lost my mom last June and wasn’t able to say goodbye due to co-vid. I loved her dearly.  Even when she was frail and in a nursing home she loved to dress up, and always look her best. Most of those (if not all) of the things I sent you, I bought for her. She was always so excited to get something new, even when she didn’t need anything.” 

Pattern chosen

After discussing various styles and patterns, Michelle decided on a Sampler block quilt, with each block a different pattern.  Although the textures and weights of the various clothes were different, the quilt blocks were easy to construct.  Michelle had also set aside two sweaters to make into pillows.   

Quilt Delivered

Michelle’s memory quilt was completed and delivered to Michelle, along with the two memory pillows.  I hope it will bring her much comfort and special memories of her mom each time she looks at the quilt. 


Overhead View of Michelle's Memory Quilt
Michelle's Bluejay Memory Pillow
Michelle's Memory Pillow
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