Louise Foley’s Memory Quilts

Becky Ramsey contacted me about making four large queen-sized quilts using clothes that belonged to her mother Louise. After discussing styles and designs, Becky and her sister made their decisions for Louise Foley’s memory quilts.

Work finally begins

My work schedule was interrupted due to me taking a fall and subsequent surgery and recovery. Becky and her sister Robin were very patient with me and the delay. When I finally began work again, my first task was to look through the three large tubs of clothing that Becky brough me. I divided each garment into four sections and added these to baskets. This task alone was time consuming but necessary.

Lovely quilts

Using the chosen designs, I began on the first quilt, finished piecing the quilt top, and then progressed to the next quilt. Becky had requested I wait until the spring to complete her second quilt. Once all three quilt tops were complete, it was on to the quilting and adding backing, batting, and the final binding.

Final Projects

As I worked on these quilts, many sweet thoughts of Louise came to me. Louise enjoyed reading and frequented the local library on a regular basis. As a librarian there, I often shared many conversations with Louise about books and life in general. I feel sure Louise Foley’s memory quilts will hold many treasured memories for her family.

Becky's Queen Quilt
Robin's Large Sized Queen Quilt
Robin's Regular Sized Queen Quilt
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