Family Memory Items for Christmas

Judy Joyce brought me several wonderful items of clothing so that I could make family memory items for Christmas.  She had a plan for how many items I was to make.

Items to use

Judy brought me ties and shirts that belonged to her father and father-in-law.  The ties were to be made into pillows. Shirts would be used for making bears.   Comfy fleece gowns and pj’s which belonged to her late mother were to be made into teddy bears. Lastly, there a variety of Christmas fabric which her mother had cut into 4 inch squares.

Work begins

Using all the ties in each of the pillows, I made 3 identical pillows.  When making the 4 shirt bears, I used pieces of all the shirts in each bear.  I used that same plan for the 5 memory bears made of the pj’s.   Judy had asked me to use all the fabric squares and make small throws.  I was able to create 3 Christmas quilts, that were so colorful.

Judy’s fathers ties pillows
Christmas quilts
Project is complete

As I worked on these items, I enjoyed the process very much. And I used my imagination when taking the pictures.  I could picture the bears being a little mischievous.   Such wonderful memories these these family memory items for Christmas hold.   

Bears in a nice row
Bears begin to play
Bears having fun
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