Five Beautiful Memory Quilts

What do these have in common?  One very special woman; 59 tops; 12 pants; 2 sheets; 2 pillowcases; 2 wash cloths; and a loving family.  The answer is five beautiful memory quilts for the Blomgren family.  


After receiving 6 large boxes of garments from Sally Blomgren, containing clothes from her late mother, my work began.  Various textures, colors, and types of fabric were ready to be combined into wonderful treasures.

Organization in action

While the sisters chose the same pattern for their quilts, the granddaughters each chose a different pattern.  With the large amount of clothes, and 5 quilts needing shapes for each quilt, I became very organized.  First step was creating the quilt designs and determining the shapes needed for each quilt.  Using 5 baskets labeled for each quilt, I carefully cut apart each garment and cut them into the required shapes.  Each quilt’s pieces were placed in the designated basket.  Concentration and determination ruled the week required for all the cutting.  Happily, I had a very satisfied feeling when this step was complete. 

Organization in sewing

Starting with the basket containing the largest sized pieces, I began the fun task of sewing and piecing the quilts.  Each quilt top was completed and set aside until all 5 were ready to be quilted.  In making 5 quilts, I became very familiar with the various colors and textures of the clothes.  

Projects Complete 

Although each quilt was made using the same fabrics, each quilt was unique and special on its own.  Four of the quilts were made in traditional styles, while the fifth one was a modern “crazy quilt” design.  No matter the pattern, these five beautiful memory quilts are certainly heirloom quilts holding many treasured memories.  It was an honor for me to make them.

Addie's Memory Quilt
Amanda's Full Quilt
Megan's Crazy Quilt
Nancy's Full Quilt
Sally's Full Quilt
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