Donna’s Very Special Memories Quilt

Donna Crowder phoned me and inquired about repairs to a quilt she and her late husband had bought years ago. The quilt had accompanied them on picnics, as a comforter around them as they watched TV, and even spread on the floor for indoor picnics.  Donna’s very special memories quilt challenged me and I agreed to try and save the quilt.

Condition of the quilt
Examples of holes in Donna’s quilt
Examples of holes in Donna’s quilt


Donna readily agreed for me to do whatever it took to save at least a small portion of the quilt, even if made as a small wall hanging.  After much thought, I finally came up with a plan.

Construction Begins

Holes in both sides of the quilt indicated a lot of wear and tear;  luckily no holes went all the way through from the quilt top to the quilt back.  I cut several large sections from the quilt, carefully missing the holes.  I created a design on my computer for a throw sized quilt, and was able to connect the large pieces using the quilt-as-you-go method.  This allowed me to add a strip of coordinating fabric between all the sections. Since the batting was in good condition, and remained in place, I  quilted along the original lines of the quilt to hold everything in place.

Finished Quilt

The finished product measured at 52 x 74 and is a nice size for a throw quilt.  I felt honored to work on Donna’s very special memories quilt. Donna now has a wonderful quilt which holds so many treasured memories. 

Donna's Special Memory Quilt
Close up of Donna's Quilt
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